Wednesday, July 16, 2014

If Hotel King was Game of Thrones...

Yo all. Watching the drama Hotel King made me realize that its character's personality and/or destiny, was similar to some characters on the show Game of Thrones, which I really like. These are my personal assumptions, so you can agree or disagree as you like. Peace!

Go under the cut for more... :)

"I think if you committed a crime, you should pay for it."

Cha Jae Wan as Jon Snow
Jae Wan, or Hyun Woo as you wish, was an orphan and a beggar. Cold outside, he is a warm man with courage who helps others. He only knew his mother had died and his father had discarded them both to pursue his dream of ambition with Hotel Ciel. What he didn't know was that the man he believed his father, was not his real father. And he didn't know his mother hadn't died either but had brewed revenge at Hotel Ciel disguising as Manager Baek. His real father is vice chairman Lee Jung Ku, the man who gave him for adoption and took him back from the streets at the age of 11, so that he would fullfil his own revenge against the poor chairman of Ciel. Jae Wan was lied to, carried the burden of having killed a gangster in his beggar days, when in the end the man had not died. He was deceived on the true identity of his father and mother and couldn't satisfy his desire to be with the woman he loves because he was led to think that woman, Ah Mo Ne, was his sister. The man who didn't know was his father, loathed him to death because in his opinion Jae Wan was the cause of the hate his mother felt towards him and that couldn't make their love story ever start. JW is often described as a "robot gm" in his early HK episodes, because he is very mechanical and stoic. At this point of Hotel King's story, Jae Wan is the last person who has yet to sit on the chairman throne of Hotel Ciel. He doesn't want to own this place, he'd rather give it to his girlfriend. What he doesn't know, is that a true king is one who doesn't believe he can rule a country because he is not greedy. This selfless and understanding personality will make him a respected king.

Jon Snow, like Jae Wan, is an orphan. Okay, one who has not read the GoT books would argue that he is not, but this is not true as there are several theories that JS is not his father's blood son. Said father, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, claimed to have had Jon from a woman of whom he never confessed the identity to anybody. He promised to talk to JS once he would get back from King's Landing, but to be as spoilery as possible, he lost his head *literally* in the process and poor Jon will never know the truth (never say never). This is why is surname is "Snow", it's the surname of bastard sons. According to the most famous fan theory, Jon is the son of Daenerys' dead brother and his mother is Eddard dead sister Lyanna. Ed decided to take JS to his house to protect his nephew from being killed since he could be the son of a Targaryen who were a family hated by the King... ah, don't let me get too deep into the story, lol. Jon Snow has been trained to use sword and arrow since he was a child, because he would soon be joining his uncle in the Night's Watch, a group made only of men who could not marry not be with women - they would just need to defend "The Wall" from eventual attacks. JS also loved a woman whom he couldn't love because she was a wilding and like I said, as a member of the NW, he couldn't have a relationship with women. He slowly rose to be an interesting leader in the story of the books, and in my opinion among GoT characters, he is like JW, he doesn't know he is the best person suitable to sit on the iron throne. There are many hints that he could be the final king.

The more you give a king, the more he wants. We are walking on a bridge of ice with an abyss on either side. Pleasing one king is difficult enough. Pleasing two is hardly possible.
– Jon to Sam

Tyrion Lannister had claimed that most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it, but Jon was done with denials. He was who he was; Jon Snow, bastard and oathbreaker, motherless, friendless, and damned. For the rest of his life –however long that might be– he would be condemned to be an outsider, the silent man standing in the shadows who dares not speak his true name.
– Jon, on himself 

I bet you understand that CJW and JS are my favorite characters... right? HAHAHAHAH.
"There wasn't anybody I could trust. I... am really a doll."

Ah Mo Ne as Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen
It was really hard to find someone really close to Mo Ne like I did with Jae Wan. In the end I decided she was a mix of Sansa and Dany. First arc Ah Mo Ne, was totally an innocent and naive girl. Everyone could fool her easily, and she sided with the ones who usually did something good to her and hated the ones who appeared evil to her. She didn't want Ciel Hotel at first, but then realized that she could only save her father's memory and avenge who had killed him this way. She needed to control Ciel as a right. She looks like a doll in the first part, as she says. Everyone makes moves behind her back and the only shining knighta who help her are Jae Wan and Woo Hyun. She is totally a damsel in distress. Once she became chairwoman, she turned arrogant regarding Ciel. She thought that only because she had become the head of the hotel, she had finished her job. She didn't read reports, she didn't inform about stuff regarding business at Ciel, she didn't do anything relevant in her short mandate as Ciel's chairwoman. Only when she lost her status as a chairwoman and became a maid, she understood what she had lost and started to really fight to get it back and also, she started to fight for herself too. She wanted to prove herself and the world she wasn't just a pawn in this game, and she wasn't just under JW's influence and love. She was her own hardworking person.

Sansa Stark, like Mo Ne, is a lady and a heiress if her brothers would die before her. She is Jon Snow's half sister, but like I said, JS is more of a cousin for her if he is her aunt's true son (which we don't know yet in GoT books). Anyway, relationships aside, Sansa went with her father to King's Landing and her heart was caught by Prince Joffrey's character and their parents arranged their wedding. Later, when Joffrey's dad the king died and Sansa's father was accused of his death, he became king and sentenced Eddard Stark to death. In that moment Sansa understood her adolescent eyes had deceived her this guy could be the best for her, and there she started to hate him. Joffrey is the most hatable character on history of characters, like EVER. lol. He is a good contender for LJK. But what did Sansa do after? She didn't rebel nor replied badly when she was called the daughter of a traitor, but decided to pretend that she was okay with it and act like a pawn. Sansa was called "little bird in a cage" because the rest of the court believed she was guilty and shameless. What they didn't know was that Sansa was playing the game along with them, except in her own way. This is why, when the occasion came to her, Joffrey's death, she was helped to escape the castle and go to her aunt's kingdom with a changed name, Alayne Stone. There Sansa showed her true badass personality and that she wasn't just a doll, she was just a bird that needed someone to open her cage to fly away. This last Sansa is the current Mo Ne.

The Hound is right . . . I am only a little bird, repeating the words they taught me.
"I'm Ciel's Chairwoman, Ah Mo Ne."

Daenerys Targaryen shares a similar story to Sansa. She was forced to marry Drogo, a leader of a population she didn't love, because her family had fallen to ruins. She was innocent and scared. When her husband died, she finally understood that if she wanted to rule a country, she needed to act now. She started travelling and claimed territories that had been stolen from their family ages before. She became badass, she freed slaves and gave them freedom. But she was also very arrogant and diffident later on, this is why Dany represents Mo Ne during her mandate as chairwoman. Mo Ne was arrogant as a chairwoman, she kept repeating she was "Ciel's chairwoman" to everyone and everyone took her from granted... she was taken as a joke. She is another person who could sit on the iron throne but at the current moment she doesn't deserve it yet, imo.

If Daenerys is no more than a sweet young girl, the Iron Throne will cut her into sweet young pieces.
– Tyrion Lannister

"Lee Jung Ku, no matter what happens, is not someone who will ever die alone."

Lee Jung Ku as Tywin Lannister
Lee Jung Ku, Jae Wan's real father, is a calculating man who never takes responsibility for the crimes he committs. He is a coward, greedy, evil man who loves to manipulate people's emotions in order to get what he wants. He comes from a poor family but he became wealthy thanks to illegal scams. He decided to get revenge on chairman Ah because he believed he and the woman he loved, Baek Mi Yeon, had had a child, Jae Wan. He's mistreated the poor man for his whole life until he found out he was his son and not his freenemy's offspring. Jae Wan, his son, was the one who got him arrested and the cause of his downfall. As of the last episode, LJK seems to be ready to take the seat of chairman. But his dream won't last long. LJK is one of those evil people who will be fooled they will be powerful but they will end up destroying themselves with their own hands.

Tywin Lannister is the Lord of Casterly Rock, and hand of the king, his nephew Joffrey. Tywin is evil, vindicative, and he never smiles. Tywin despises his younger son Tyrion, a dwarf, because he claims he made his wife die of childbirth and because he doesn't want to be laughed behind his back because his son has this body defect. His other sons, Cersei and Jaime, have an affair since their young age, but his father never finds this out in the books. He killed off entire houses purely to defend his and his house's honor... he did countless misdeeds, including the Red Wedding where Sansa's brother Robb Stark and his mother Catelyn were killed off. He died by the hands of the son he hated, Tyrion, who shot him with bow and arrow while he was... SHITTING ON THE TOILET!!! BASICALLY... EPIC.

Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.
- thoughts of Tyrion Lannister
I would sooner entrust a child to a pit viper than to Lord Tywin.
— thoughts of Eddard Stark

This is the official GoT songs about what Lord Tywin did...

 "If you want to play, it would be wise to take it on me instead. Because a mother doesn't stay still when her child gets hurt."

Baek Mi Nyeo/Baek Mi Yeon as Catelyn Stark
Baek Mi Nyeo was the staff manager of hotel Ciel. She takes the shares Mo Ne owns and becomes chairwoman in her place so that she will complete her revenge against chairman Ah and Lee Jung Ku. She wanted to destroy Ciel because she was accused of embezzlement several years ago, and wanted to avenge her son, that she believed dead, from the man who had kidnapped him. Baek successfully excecuted  her plan against the hotel, but when she found out our general manager Jae Wan was her lost son Hyun Woo, she decided to stop and aim to another target instead.

Catelyn Stark is the wife of Eddard Stark and mother of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. She hates Jon Snow to death because he is the symbol of her husband's betrayal. Even though we don't know whether or not Ed is Jon's real father, Catelyn never once loved the boy as her own son. At the Red Wedding organized by Tywin Lannister to get revenge on the Starks, her firstborn son Robb, the "King in the North", was killed off in front of her eyes. She was killed after him, and her spirit was reborn a while later and wandered around the seven kingdoms to seek for revenge. Baek is like Catelyn because she wants to avenge her son, even though BMN's son Jae Wan looks more like Jon rather than Robb. I don't like her much because she hates Jon instead of hating her husband, who is guilty of the possible cheating.You can consider Jon and Robb similar though, only on certain aspects.

On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, I will trade your boy's life for Robb's. A son for a son.
– Catelyn to Walder Frey during the Red Wedding

"It wasn't because of you, or mother... it was because of me."

Roman/Loman Lee - Ju Han Lee as Robb Stark
Roman Lee surprised everyone when he said he was Baek's son. Baek loved him very much although she was mostly transferring her love for her dead son over to him. We found out he wasn't her real son and was adopted, and that he was Jae Wan's childhood friend Ju Han. He cherished his brother for all of his life and believed he had died. When he found out he was Jae Wan and didn't like him very much, he became possessive of his mom and hid the fact that they were related. Once JW found RL's identity, he tried to rekindle their friendship.

Robb Stark is the first son of Catelyn Stark. His mother loved him very much not only because he was a loyal and kind man, he was also a good king and son. Despite Jon was his half brother, they were very tight and brotherly because they almost were the same age. They often thought about each other when they were far, longing for the moment they would meet again. But Robb sadly dies in a plot, the Red Wedding, where his mother also dies. Like Jae Wan and Ju Han, they had a strong bond and thought highly of each other.

I have won every battle, yet somehow I'm losing the war.

Sun Woo Hyun as Samwell Tarly
Woo Hyun is the concierge of Hotel Ciel. He is the son of a wealthy man but he disliked him so much so he decided to leave the countryside to work at the hotel.Woo Hyun is a kind man, very generous and kindhearted. He is able to act upon his feelings, whether they are love or hate. He is in love with Mo Ne, but he seems to have let her go once he realized that Jae Wan is the one she loves.

Samwell Tarly is a companion of Jon Snow at the Wall. He is nice, kind, genuine, but his body makes the other brothers joke on him because he doesn't seem to be suited to be a warrior at the Night's Watch. His father doesn't consider him to be suitable to be his heir either, so he puts him in front of a choice: go to the Night's Watch or die. Samwell saves a girl from a sort of PIMP (lol, who is her father!!) and the two fall in love later on.

The worst isn’t done. The worst is just beginning, and there are no happy endings.[10]
– Samwell to Dareon

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